Wednesday, 2 September 2015

Jimmy Kimmel and the YouTube Gaming Conundrum

In light of the recent backlash towards Jimmy Kimmel, I have to admit, what he said did make me sit down and think. Why, as a gamer, do I enjoy watching others play games also? I could just be playing the game myself? I think the fact that this has been going on for years though is an important piece that was overlooked. Although YouTube Gaming is a live streaming service, people have been watching pre-recorded YouTube videos...well for as long as it’s been around. I’ll break down here a few reasons I think gamers...well watch fellow gamers.

We watch them to get a flavour of the game. To be honest it’s much better than watching a 4 minute trailer made by the people who are selling you the game. Gamers will give you their take. You can see how the game handles. This is in the case of playthroughs and lets-plays. 
Some people may watch a video for maybe just the first episode to get a taste of the game and get a feel if it’s for them. 

How about watching tutorials? Ever get stuck at a certain point in a game and the wiki page is too much hassle to read? Well there’s probably a video tutorial showing how to beat the problem out there somewhere.

Honestly it may sound a bit strange, but learning is another reason I myself watch other gamers. For competitive games like CS:GO, DOTA 2, hell any game really. There are a whole host of gamers who share tips and tricks to help you out. I suppose this could also be linked to tutorials.

The main reason I watch gaming videos though has to be the most obvious. I watch them for entertainment. Why watch Storage Wars if you can just go and bid for a container yourself? Why watch Hoarders if you could...well hoard yourself? There are so many shows that bring this into question especially holiday review shows, cooking shows. They not only provide information, but they provide entertainment also. 

I think one of the biggest issues with what was said by Jimmy Kimmel is that he didn’t view it as an entertainment medium and some people don’t. I don’t find sports entertaining so I don’t watch them. I think his biggest point was that, in his eyes, gaming isn’t reality. You’re watching something that’s disconnected. So we’re disconnected whilst watching something that’s disconnected. But in total honesty, is there anything wrong with this? People watched Mr Kimmel discuss this. So they’re disconnected whilst watching a man discuss something that he views as disconnected also. Isn’t this the aim of entertainment though? It’s quite obvious, to entertain and I think that’s the point that was missed.

I think YouTube Gaming is a great idea. If put on the right track it could possibly bring some competition to Twitch. Competition can breed innovation. 

As I’ve said before, I watch gamers. I enjoy it and isn’t that all that matters. Sometimes I even game whilst a video is playing on my phone. Heck even Jimmy Kimmel’s videos are put on YouTube.
I think a big reason there was such a big backlash against Mr Kimmel was the fact that the gaming community is so...well dedicated to gaming really. It’s an entertainment medium, if he put out a piece about how stupid it was to watch sports rather than play them themselves, I’m certain there would be a backlash just the same.

I think a lot of comment got out of control, but I also think a lot more needs to be looked at before you can just say that Stream watching is silly. Yes it may seem weird considering we could just play ourselves. But it’s enjoyable, it creates a community and that’s the beehive that was poked with that video. 

I can’t quite explain why I find watching other gamers enjoyable so as Mr Kimmel stated, he’s more than welcome to come all the way to Ireland to watch a Steam with me. Heck he can even watch me as I watch a Stream and try to figure out why it’s so entertaining.